Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Suzanne O'Keeffe

The real world has become faker than pro wrestling. Is there even a real vote anymore?

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Agreed! I know there’s evidence votes the globalists consider important are rigged, even down to local levels. Debbie Wasserman Shultz has been installed several times thru fraud in two election challenges by law professor Tim Canova for example. The overt fraud is just off the charts. We should expect this happens in all swing states and all key seats.


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Sep 6Liked by Suzanne O'Keeffe

Hi, brother in arms here (you can go read my Stack). Do you think anybody listens to us?

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welcome! just subscribed.

My last Stack talked about the epidemic levels of betrayal blindness. I think that's where we are. We love the myths. We base our identity on the stories. We've shaped our belief of self and self esteem on them. And the globalists know this and use it against us. We've been conditioned to turn over power to "heroes." We cheer the underdogs. So they supply the heroes and the underdogs stories. Villains and martyrs. Story after story. It's a LOT to unpack. It's a LOT to shift. But the evidence now is overwhelming imo and I believe the denial of abuse harms us more than looking at it and processing it.

Do people listen? Perhaps they put it on the back shelf of their mind. People don't know what to DO once they face it. That's what I'm also going to talk about here ... what to do instead of feeling you have no choice but to turn all your power over to designated heroes. Or revolt. But imo this war is not about revolt but about claiming our power to create new ideas and new institutions. Hopefully that comes through. And perhaps the next piece of evidence someone sees -- they're delivered daily now it seems -- won't be overwhelming anymore, but empowering.

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Sep 7Liked by Suzanne O'Keeffe

Thank you and welcome to you too. I've just subscribed, and not merely as a courtesy. You're right about it being a frequency war and I need to somehow tap into your own feminine frequency to balance mine - it will at least help with my writing. I'm what they call a high energy person, and I also have a very broad band energy-wise, which means I can be the most dedicated and helpful guy, or I can tune it up to something pretty awful that not a lot of people can face or even imagine - not that I'm proud of it, but it's a gift from life and God, so I guess I'm supposed to use it wisely and selflessly.

I also have zero merit in not believing any stupid story that's thrown at me, because I had such bad parents that I learned the hard way to distrust the mythology of power. So my judgement of people is based entirely on their competence as human beings - emotional, intellectual, moral and so on. Similarly, as you may have read, I look at systems in terms of their results, irrespective of any ideological justification or excuse.

I'm not sure that people will finally feel empowered, but there you go, you've given me something to think about and look out for.

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It is indeed a time for us to choose … most of all to choose the emotional frequency / resonance we’re holding. Thoughts are attached to emotions in the brain. We’ve been trained and conditioned to be afraid … of authority, of persecution, of “viruses” we can’t see, of losing our money and our place in the world. The fear can be let go of and replaced with courage. So we need to retrain ourselves to that emotional resonance. That’s where our power lies.

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