The half-truth challenge round
It's the latest episode of bend the knee. Let's fast forward and rewrite the ending.
Many of my friends asked me my thoughts about RFK Jr. back when he announced his campaign for presidency (under the DNC banner no less). My immediate reaction was: “Why?!” He’s a smart man. A multi generational insider. He knows — as I know, as likely we all know (though many are still stuck in betrayal blindness) — “elections” are engineered by the globalist cabal here in the U.S. and around the world (in case we haven’t been paying close attention). As a result of this knowledge, here’s what I see when I look at any “election” “news” update:
The global overseer coordination of supposedly “elected” “leaders” was made rivetingly undeniably clear near the start of the “covid” op. (First minute and a half of this video.)
Every single one of us knows you simply cannot have that kind of global precise message coordination without some major hands above the stage yanking the strings of all these “leaders” — all at the same time. Do they have an email chain? Text group? A zoom chat? Or was it all decided in Davos and the bat signal given in weird coded messages about “33 cases”?
The fingerprints of the globalists were all over this: This awkward zombie-trance-like (mind control) phrase “build back better” regurgitated ad infinitim by the puppets during our induced trauma state in 2020 was first introduced by the World Bank in 2005. It was the theme of a 122-pg(!) report issued six months after an earthquake + tsunami devastated the island of Sumatra in Indonesia on December 26, 2004. The report chronicled reconstruction efforts and “serve[d] as a basis for making programming decisions.” (What’s that cliché joke?: “I’m from the World Bank and I’m here to help.”) Special United Nations Tsunami Envoy (not even kidding here) President Bill Clinton repeated the phrase in 2005, then the World Economic Forum echoed it over and over and over starting in 2011. Then “Biden” just happened to pick it was issued the directive to use it as a campaign slogan, and then a major “plan” slogan. Then an ENTIRE GAGGLE OF GLOBAL LEADER AND INFLUENCER PUPPETS formed a big ole chorus to sing it together in 2020-2021. Then the “bbb” plan / directive was turned into law post Biden installation to “rescue” us from the “covid” op “crisis.” “I’m from the World Bank government and I’m here to help.”
First, repetition is a standard technique of cults (and advertisers). “With thought-stopping techniques, [cult] members are taught to stop doubts from entering their consciousness about the cult, often with a key phrase they repeat.”
Second, you expect me to believe that, over 20 years, a globe full of brilliant well paid executive communications directors and speech writers working for these “leaders” couldn’t come up with a better catch phrase than that crappy one??? And that “Biden’s” people were so out of ideas they had to crib the WEF’s “build back better” plan from April - July 2020 and pretend it’s U.S. policy?
So a World Bank / WEF plan became U.S. law. See how that works?
Why are we as citizens letting globalists dictate our U.S. policy and laws via their puppets?!
The global sell out
To the enormous credit of our instincts, many of us DID know right away what our supposed “leaders” were doing — selling us out. One no-nonsense woman called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the carpet for it (politely) in this clip from an epic town hall (min 1:03):

“You’ve sold us out to globalism. You are not working for Canada. You are working for your globalist partners. I wonder how much they’re paying you to betray Canada. What do we do with traitors in Canada, Mr. Trudeau? We used to hang them … hang them for treason. And you’re doing that very same thing to us now. We know what you’re doing.”
The same indictment applies to (almost) every “leader” in the “free” (and “unfree”) world during 2020-2021. (Belarus and Tanzania — until leader John Magufuli died — notable exceptions.)
I’m sure RFK Jr. saw through all this as clearly as I did.
He also knew from at least March 2023 — before he announced his campaign — that the DOD (not Trump / Biden, not pharma, not “historic coup d’etat” Fauci) orchestrated the “covid” op in the U.S.. As explained below, the Pentagon manufactured and distributed the demonstration products they relabeled as “vaccines” and paid the pharmaceutical companies to do pretend trials. See min 18:06 of this bombshell interview with Sasha Latapova. (Full transcript of this important interview was just posted last Friday by Katherine Watt / Bailiwick News.)
RFK Jr.: “There were a series of [pseudo-legal] laws put in place that allowed the military to take over distribution of “vaccines” and under a provision that does not allow any clinical trials and does not allow any safety testing … The “safety testing” that we did see, which was conducted by the pharmaceutical industry, was kabuki theater put on for the public with no regulatory implications. And that’s why they were able to take all these shortcuts — because it was meaningless theater.”
Sasha: “Yes, exactly. So it was a pretend authorization by a regulatory agency, FDA, that has no regulatory mandate to regulate countermeasures in the US. … These are not medical products, they are countermeasures. That legal framework is pretending that this is a health event and these are health products while using the laws that put them into a totally different space legally. … They're [also] using another set of laws that are … allowing them to contract under “Other Transaction Authorities (OTA).” … Department of Defense is fully in charge of development, clinical trials, execution of manufacturing, ordering them, distributing the money, taking possession of the delivered product, distributing it, and owning it until it is injected into a person.” …
RFK Jr.: “OTA was originally designed to allow the Pentagon to quickly buy weapons and weapons systems without paying attention to any existing regulatory authorities. … They’ve taken that authority and … applied it to the vaccines. They’re purchasing the “vaccines” under OTA as a demonstration product. It’s not a medical product. FDA has no authority over it. CDC has no authority over it. Military is manufacturing — they’ve farmed this out to hundreds of military contractors to do the manufacturing, to do the distribution, to do every aspect of it. It’s all a huge military operation.
“The involvement of the drug companies is kind of window dressing because the Pentagon did not want to put on the product ‘this is a Pentagon-made / Defense Department-made product.’ They paid the pharmaceutical companies for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer and Moderna, but all of the back room distribution and manufacturing is done by the military. And the pharmaceutical companies were brought in to put their name on it and then to pretend to do clinical trials, which have no legal significance.”
Let’s not forget Trump knew this in 2020. In the fake battle against a declared (as in not real) crisis, circa July 2020, Trump said, “The military is going to be doing it [distribute the ‘vaccines’] in a very powerful manner.”
RFK Jr. knew going in that candidates are selected by private companies
RFK Jr. also knew before he announced his candidacy that the DNC and RNC are private companies who have no obligation to the voters. The DNC has argued in court they see no problems with picking their candidates in smoke filled back rooms, a point they just proved (yet again) IRL, which makes them firmly anti-democracy.
“The court recognized that the DNC treated voters unfairly, but ruled that the DNC is a private corporation; therefore, voters cannot protect their rights by turning to the courts.”
It took RFK Jr. six months to relearn what he already knew and jettison the DNC to become an independent candidate in October 2023.
RFK Jr. knew we live in an oligarchy
I’m certain RFK Jr. has long been aware of this 2014 Cambridge study proving the U.S. is an oligarchy at best.
“When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”
So thus my “why” reaction upon his announcement. What are you about, man?
RFK Jr.’s campaign of half-truths supported the ritual of “elections” to prop up the myth of “democracy”
RFK Jr. launched a campaign and carried on as if this were a legitimate “election” — at least in the sense that our votes count to select candidates or policy, and our “elected” “leader” has any control over whatever globalist elements in / above the DOD gave the orders to run the “covid” op.
He did not use his campaign to raise a volunteer army to upend the use of voting machines and the tabulation process of every voting precinct — a laudable mission.
He did not use his campaign to expose on a broad scale the DOD’s culpability for the “covid” op.
He did not use his campaign to expose the global cabal puppet theater show pretending to legitimacy while creating our national policy and laws.
He did not use his campaign to expose the globalist-conjured (not nation-conjured) money laundering killing enterprises we’re told to view as Ukraine / Russia / Israel wars.
Why all the money and effort spent?
Now RFK Jr. bends the knee to the globalist puppet masquerading as populist
After seeing the flurry of “greatest speech ever”s for RFK Jr.’s bend the knee walkout theater, I just had to hang my head for a bit. Watching someone publicly bend the knee is not ever a time to cheer.
RFK Jr.’s been an insider from the moment he drew breath, so I knew it’d be implausible he’d tear it all apart. But to bend the knee publicly sends a different message. He’s telling us to keep falling for this mirage of a legitimate “election” with actual competing candidates.
I call total bullshit. This is a controlled demolition of the “Dem” Party. When the comedy is more real than the news …
There have been accusations of AI-gen fakery of “support” for the “Dem” ticket:
Wait, there’s AI video too with “PBS” apparently in full participation. Though every search engine gives you page after page of debunking, even AI thinks it’s AI. This is a local station’s pic of an actual Harris / Biden rally in Pittsburgh on Labor Day — held at a small local union hall. I count maybe 35 people behind them and a smattering of people in seats in a photo that’s been framed so you see the entire ceiling instead of how few many people were sitting in the audience. You decide.
This just goes to reinforce my certainty that you get the polls you pay for. And that public polls are vastly different from the “you’re f-ed” reality polls the “candidates” see.
“As the poll-gap narrative becomes ever more extreme, obvious visible evidence (rally-size, yard-signs, bumper-stickers, memes / social-media posts) becomes more and more obviously contradictory.”
In the last “election” Kamala participated in, even the globalist mouthpiece NY Times tore her campaign apart: “There is only one candidate who rocketed to the top tier and then plummeted in early state polls to the low single digits: Ms. Harris.”
If you ask me, Kamala is an even worse NPC now than she was in 2020. “Tight race” my ass.
“Prior to announcing her bid for the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nominee, Harris was seen very favorably by only 16 percent of surveyed Americans.” Statista
But RFK Jr.’s bend the knee escapade sends the message to believe there’s a “tight race” and that by staying in it, he’d risk being a “spoiler.” So he cries out, “Suspend the campaign!” … whatever that even means.
Could it instead be due to a deal brokered by the same “guardian angel donor” funding both Trump’s and RFK Jr.’s campaigns? Perhaps Gilded Age industrialist oligarch banking family heir Timothy Mellon — so rich he’s managed to siphon off the internet all but a few photos of him — is the billionaire club fixer.
We sure do love our stories of close games and billionaire “underdogs”! It’d be totally boring to see the globalists are handing everyone on the field the scripts. The ongoing lies help perpetuate the manipulation and control while they suck up yet more campaign donations. The only thing RFK Jr. would spoil by staying in the race would be the globalists’ desire for a neutered independent run.
Declaring the end of the era of half-truths
We need to hone our master class skills to spot the half truth lies that’ll be spun in every direction in the coming months. And for that, we’re going to need to rely on our own internal intelligence, our willingness to clear betrayal blindness, and our courage to look past headlines and sales pitches.
Let’s ponder the clue to the future Katherine Watt gives in her introduction to the transcript I quoted above:
“RFK Jr. has not contacted me to discuss my legal research, and has not responded to my attempts to contact him.”
RFK Jr. eloquently summarized the DOD’s purposeful deception of the U.S. population in his interview with Sasha in March of 2023. Why did he then take no action to publicize strategies for undoing this unconstitutional globalist conjured “legal” monstrosity that enabled their military operation? And what does that tell us of his intent toward the real initiators of the “covid” op in and above our own DOD? What is the likelihood the true criminals will be stopped and brought to justice under “Trump / Kennedy” “unity” when Trump still stands by Operation Warp Speed? What’s the likelihood the “pandemic preparedness” racket will be shown for what it is — depopulation grifters — when grifter investor JD Vance is VP?
Yeah, we don’t need any more half-truths. We don’t need another slogan / thought-stopping chant. It’s not the unity we need.
I believe we humans are deserving of full truths. We should stand for nothing less. Certainly all those who’ve lost family due to the “covid” op prototypes, which is likely most everyone, deserve the full truth.
Surely, we all can see it’s been a complete betrayal for the DOD and both WH administrations to have not only withheld the truth that these “covid” op products are:
countermeasures, not health products
outside the jurisdiction of the FDA
outside the jurisdiction of the CDC
made by the Pentagon
not subject to any clinical trials
not subject to any good manufacturing processes
not subject to safety tracking
but also purposefully deceived the public by paying / enrolling pharmaceutical companies, FDA, CDC, all of media to:
pretend to do clinical trials that have regulatory significance
pretend to do regulatory hearings
pretend to “approve” a military-made countermeasure as if it were a drug
repeat lies as if they were true
No candidates are even discussing this let alone proposing how to dismantle the pseudo legal framework used and redirect all our money and energy out of all globalist traps and into our own future. It was all a huge military operation. Globally orchestrated. If they’ve done this level of deception and intentional harm, what else have they done to us? To the planet?
It’s up to us, not the billionaires’ uniparty team
Once we stop listening to empty rhetoric of designated “heroes” who enable the globalists, we pull our energy from their house of cards and can put it toward building the pro-human systems we need. More to come on that in my next Substack.
The real world has become faker than pro wrestling. Is there even a real vote anymore?
Just signed up to your stack- something that strikes me as I read your suspicions of the authenticity of RFK’s convenient skipping over crucial data: with the general
Public he’s already seen as a spoiler, a nutter etc. Not to excuse him ( I think
his ignorance to do with Israel is appalling), but politics is the game of trying to avoid saying things that alienate too many of your potential supporters and not completely alienating
your enemies. So he’s been juggling what to reveal and what to keep private. Following him for a while, I know that he’s privy to some very explosive stuff that, if revealed, will certainly, now, jeopardize his bid to be Trumps new Health Czar.