
Yes Truthbird, I agree we are far from powerless. We are the ones with the real power imo otherwise the globalists wouldn’t spend a trillion $ on propaganda, false flags, etc. They NEED our buy in, our consent, to create their version of reality. When none of us believe the narrative, it doesn’t come to pass. So there’s our power. It’s amplified more when we pour energy into building our own things from that higher resonance of courage and above. I wrote about this in my first substack Getting to courage. I’m sorry to hear of your experience as a targeted individual. Thank you for the link. I hope all the energy shifts from all dark tactics.

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Great article. You made some great points which grabbed my attention.

Universal community trust has created a natural law jurisdiction by treaty, in which the peoples of the world can repudiate any other jurisdiction and create sovereign, autonomous communities.


UCT is also working on a credit based financial system that if successful, will render the Babylonian banking system obsolete. https://coinpaprika.com/coin/uct-universal-community-trust/

If you would like to chat with the Bernician, the founder of all the above, let me know.

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"We" (living human beings who embody and are dedicated to goodness, truth, justice, decency, Godliness, holiness, and divine reality) have no political power in this Fascist / Nazi / Satanic / Globalist game. Pretending we do is folly. However, that does not mean we are powerless. It means we must not play their games. We must work in other ways.

I am a Targeted Individual, and have been one for thirty-four years, which is half my entire life. Please study - in depth - this website for information about what I mean by "Targeted Individual":


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A few Congressmembers are raising the alarm about this at least (though be aware it's encased in a narrative that enables their puppet "party"). A good sign that the awareness of the globalists' agenda is penetrating in many parts of our collective awareness. Cued to the strongest bit.


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