If it's up to us, the people of the world, to create a lovely world, my question is :

Why haven't we done it yet?

Have we been always too frightened, insecure, stupid?

If yes to anything, and it must be yes to something seeing as we haven't created this lovely world thus far, what has changed now that enables what has evidently been beyond us to accomplish?

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Good question. My thoughts: The king / subjects paradigm is an ancient one. One that’s still reinforced in SO many TV shows and movies. As the Revolutionary War ended, there was a proposal letter written to Washington from one of his officers — an idea circulating in camp — that George take the title of king. Washington was really upset by it and he refused. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newburgh_letter So even after fighting a war for 8 years to get rid of a king, some people saw the value of having one.

Just the other day I had a comment thread with someone on substack in their 20s I think and he was saying we should have a benevolent monarchy in the US. He was serious.

Combined with all the hero stories in virtually every book, movie, tv show etc, we’ve been conditioned for a long time to give our power and authority away to some one else to save the day and make decisions. To agree to be subjects. And the “president” is treated as our king (that we believe we “vote” for) for all intents and purposes. Executive orders have the force of law ffs. You can see this passivity and hero worship being programmed by psyops like Q and “trust the plan” 🙄

And there is an equally ancient paradigm of persecution for not obeying the king. We were told to wear masks by the “king” — another overt visual message that we are serfs and to be silent — most people just obeyed. We are afraid to go against the king and the crowd.

So there are a lot of primal ancient fears of doing something different or standing up for yourself stuck in our conscious and subconscious.

We’ve also not been taught what our true power is. Imo religions in equal measure to universities teach us the opposite. Dogmas and curricula don’t encourage critical thinking or inner knowledge.

But I believe human consciousness has evolved to a point that so many now see how this is all happening — how we’ve been hoodwinked — and that it’s the opposite of benevolent. We see what’s broken. We realize there’s no compelling reason to give over our power to discern what’s going on to talking heads who are lying. Or to listen to and obey their pronouncements. It’s dawning on increasing numbers that we CAN stand up for ourselves and build a life from an empowered state. I think this is happening on the individual level a great deal. I feel there’s an “emperor has no clothes” tipping point approaching where the falseness of all we’ve been told won’t be able to be hidden anymore. And it’s an awakening happening globally all at once. That’s what’s changed. The global nature of what happened during “covid” years taught us, and forced many to find that inner knowledge and power and choose. I don’t think there’s been a time in the history we know about where that’s been the case.

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I understand all you've written and agree most people want to be ruled. Dostoevsky wrote a great chapter on this in The Brothers Karamazov Chapter 5: The Grand Inquisitor that you're likely familiar with.

But awakenings and rebellions have happened before that encompassed the world that was known in that time and place and nothing changed. Like the movie Brave Heart. Possibly silly example, but you get my drift.

Is it the number of people now that you feel will make the difference? Yet the capabilities to control vast numbers has also never been greater.

What you're saying sounds like New Age doctrines I've read. That we will evolve and move forward. Yet here we are trashing the earth like never before. Becoming more blatantly uncaring and self-centered.

You say we've never been taught about our own power. Why not? And is that really true? I think we have been taught and shown and we reject it. Primarily because it means taking responsibility and suffering the consequences of our actions and that's a price few will pay.

Anyway, good discussion. Thank you.

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yes, they've occurred and been suppressed, like the one that created the United States, by the same powers that be we're still dealing with imo (see video below). Yes, I do believe it's the number of people that will make the difference, and the increasingly obvious nature ... now that there's the internet ... of what they're doing and the way we are able to share discoveries so quickly now. And the ability to create alternative solutions has rapidly accelerated. And there's alternate currencies springing up ... and since their power comes from their control of the money, that is shifting things in itself. I don't really agree that we're trashing the earth like never before. I believe there's a huge movement to care for the earth. That's been twisted by the powers that be into destructive policies that serve them, but the intent for a healthy planet is very strong. Perhaps we've been taught of our own power before, but it doesn't serve the powers that be for us to think for ourselves and to be healthy and well, so we've been conditioned to be the opposite. Yes, it does mean taking responsibility for our own energy and where it's directed, but it is, as I said in the article, simpler than we think. I believe, whether we succeed or fail this time, it is worth the pursuit. :)


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What you've described is Gnosticism. Which is the basis of New Age theosophy.

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I've studied about those, but what I'm describing is mainly from my own experience ranging from personal healing work as well as wide practical knowledge from my years in the pharmaceutical industry, plus a lot of research into the cabal as well as money creation and public banking and deductions based on the cabal's actions. They need our consent and buy in. They manipulate our emotions to get it. Thus, our emotional state is important to them. Thus, shifting our emotional state out of the state that they want us stuck in seems a very logical rational approach to me. It also allows us to think more clearly and make better decisions so we aren't fooled, don't buy in, and build lives without their influence, individually and collectively.

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I just read something about the Maui fires and 911 both being from the DEW laser. They showed a lot of evidence.

This is serious. if they have those kinds of weapons at their disposal anytime they want it doesn’t look too good for us.

Hopefully their weapons are limited in someway or have some weakness kind of like a Death star situation.

We just need a little bit more of the public to wake up.

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I've gone down long research threads about those events as well. A lot of evidence that's convincing, it seems. And it is scary to consider. I thought these links were both very good and thorough investigations.



But it's also potentially possible we're being spun to believe such weapons exist so we get more scared. So we need a lot of discernment. I do believe they'd need plausible events to provide cover for the use of those weapons, if they even work as advertised, and more people than ever are suspicious of the causes of "wildfires" and on the watch for false flags. It's a double edged sword for them. Setting off (more) fires, like setting off more wars, could tip mass awareness to expose them all. The more people who pull their belief out of their narratives, the less likely they'll be able to get away with creating plausible enough events. More people every day are looking side-eyed at stories we're being told as "news." That's definitely a good thing, I feel.

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